How Prioritizing Oral Health Can Keep Your Heart Healthy As February unfolds, the month is traditionally associated with love, but it’s not just romantic hearts that deserve attention. February is also Heart Health Month, a time to shine a spotlight on the vital organ that keeps us ticking. But did… Read More…
When we don’t feel well or are in pain, we turn to healthcare to find answers. However, sometimes symptoms don’t appear to have a direct cause, and occasionally the true problem is overshadowed by more widely recognized disorders. Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, or TMJ, is one such condition. This November, your… Read More…
Hyperdontia, a rare yet completely possible condition, causes people to have more teeth than usual. Typically, kids will have 20 baby teeth, and 32 more will erupt as they get older. But those with hyperdontia grow what are called supernumerary teeth, which are extra teeth that usually grow behind the… Read More…
Gum disease is one of the most common dental problems your dentist in Houston sees every day. In fact, the CDC reports that nearly 50% of adults over the age of 30 have some form of gum disease. While gum disease can certainly cause some unwanted side effects in patients’… Read More…